Thursday, October 31, 2019

Quantitative Analysis of Cinematic Statistics Research Paper

Quantitative Analysis of Cinematic Statistics - Research Paper Example Table 1, Appendices A shows total numerical values used for this analysis. The related trend between cinemas and screens as shown in Chart 1 Appendices A is that the number of screens increased over time in correlation with the number of cinema sites; however, as cinema sites tapered off, screens maintained a slight increase. The index number inferences, shown in Index A and B, Appendices A, describe a relative increase for screens of 5.5 percent in 2004 based on 1994, but only 0.3 percent for cinemas. Admissions revenue based on 1994 delivered a price relative average increase of 3.8%, and based on 1999 the price relative was only 2.8% as related in Index C, Appendices A. Furthermore, Chart 2 Appendices A describes the relative increase of admission revenue which can be correlated to the amount of screen increase per cinema. This infers that the more screens per cinema, the higher revenue increase. This is a good indicator for management staff that more revenue is generated the higher the concentration of screens, and for the customers this allows more mo vie options in a singular location, further increasing admissions revenue. Chart 3 Appendices A shows the sharp increase of admission revenue as cinemas increase, which induces the trend of a positive relationship. Using the linear regression equation y = 5.6951x - 3722.7, it can be derived that there is a trend of increase in admission revenue in relationship to cinemas sites. The correlation coefficient equals 0.877, which is a high value which infers a positive relationship between increase in admission revenue and cinema sites. The forecasted admission value for 2005 is 780.6082 m provided that 772 cinemas are built. Admissions and Cinema Screens Chart 4 Appendices A demonstrates a dramatic slope accession of admissions revenue as screens increase/ Linear equation Linear equation y = 7.3519x - 502.72 trends at a higher correlation between admission revenue and screens that noted in admissions and sites, the correlation coefficient with screens is 0.98486, intuitive of an impressive positive growth relationship between these factors. The forecast for admissions in relationship to screens in 2005 would be 25229.1m, provided that 3500 screens are built and the market can support that amount of cinematic screens, if 350 screens are built, the 2005 forecast would be 2070.45m, a more plausible plan of action. Gross Box Office (GBO) and Cinema Sites Chart 5 Appendices A plots the relationship between GBO and cinema sites, showing a sharp increase in GBO in relation to the increase in sites. The linear equation y = 0.0361x = 651.7 concludes to this positive relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.892993 further demonstrates the solid positive increases in GBC as it relates to cinema sites. Forecasting for 2005 with 772 cinema sites-meaning that one cinema is inoperable-would bring a GBO of 3221.81 m, a slight decrease from 2004, but significant of the relationship between the number of cinemas and GBO. Gross Box Office (GBO) and Cinema Screens GBO and cinema screens also have a correlative relationship as visualised in Chart 5 Appendices A. This chart signifies powerful growth as the number of

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Food production and export goods

Food production and export goods Assess the advantages and disadvantages for poor country governments of food production over export goods. This essay argues that food production should be on top of the priority list of governments of the poor countries, because of the increase in of food prices globally at a time of global economic downturn and for the purpose of achieving food sovereignty and food security The discussion highlight the failure of export of goods strategies, and complexities related to connecting poor economies with global market as a result of recommendations by IFIs which focus on the advantages international trade. The essay slightly engages with debate around the incapability of those institutions, and their strategies to tackle the implication of world food problem in the context of the poor countries; using conclusion and critique of case studies as disadvantages to draw the food production as a favourable option in response to this problem. What poor countries means? In brief, and in order to identify what meant by poor countries. According to Paul Collier (2007) those countries falls entrapped in four major areas, including conflict affected countries, natural recourses even if the recourses are available they suffer from phenomenon such as Dutch Disease often perceived as miss management of resources, the problem of being landlocked, and poor governance which is combination of corruption and inadequate state administrative capacities together with other governance problems. Additionally to colliers list Foster (1992) outlines weak state infrastructures, which in this essay refers simply to poor or lack of: a transportation network, communication structures and technical capacities, which is axiomatically, refers to education systems and capabilities. For both authors the majority of population are very poor: landless poorly educated commonly superstitious etc. Within these countries the South Centre (2008) estimates that the bulk of population are consuming imported food; the centre argues the poor population are more vulnerable to rising food prices because food represents a high proportion of their total expenditure. In todays globalised world is facing the worse global economic downturn since the great recession of the 1930s. Food is not just an important need for nutritional of humans to survive, it became more of fact reflecting sovereignty and independence of the state; in the case of the poor countries if not in all countries at least for the majority-the state and its governing system is an inherited system from the economical relations of the colonial era. Food sovereignty could be more than a symbol for independence; it could work as basis for fair trade and development. In contrast FAO (2009) report establishes clear link between the global economic downturn and predict that it going to intensify implication on the poor countries as assuming decline in exports or capital inflows will soon occurs while the food import capacity (FDI, remittances and foreign aid).) Patrick Kendall and Marco Petracco (2009) critically assess the impact of food import Caribbean and the dependence on its import has made the region more vulnerable and exposed to international market supply shocks, which are expected to boost again due to increasing volatility nature of food in the global markets. They criticises the shifts from subsistence to cash cropping declined the ratio agriculture export earnings in GDP of the region from 9.7% in 1980 to 4.3% in 2004(p.783) while the ratio of expenditure on food imports to total foreign exchange earnings fell from 15% in 1980 to 9.7% in 2004, and the ratio to total imports fell from 15.5% to 8.7%.(p.785) On the basis of comparative advantages (which is not a static concept  [1]  ), division of labour and free trade was introduced hypothetically it makes all materially better off than they would be if individuals or communities tried to provide everything for themselves (George Kent, 2002). It was also assumed that within the globalization of world economy countries will be able to procure food from diverse sources and they will get the best prices through the open market. As a matter of fact trade does assist in growth of the economies of these countries either regionally (Coe N. M.; Hess M.; Yeung H.W.; Dicken P. and Henderson J. 2004) or globally (WTO, 2010). But this was never the case of food, where income of the poor among other mix variables influence the rate of under-nutrition and consequently it lowers fertility rates, human survival rates, health, and education capabilities of children, security and the overall energy of a country aspires development (Foster 1992). Howe ver, historically as in the case of sub Sub-Saharan Africa during the 1970s and 1980s integration into the world economic system at a time of historically unprecedented volatility in world food, energy, and capital prices. As a result of these burdens, smallholder farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa are very poor and are getting poorer (Delgado 1997 cited in Kent, 2002 p.2). While the world produces enough food for all the mankind currently (Kakar, Raziq, in 2009 FAO estimated that over one billion individuals are undernourished (FAO, 2009). After thirty years of falling global food prices in real terms, food prices have steadily increased since the year 2002. This trend began to increase in 2006 and prices rose even more sharply in 2008 (South Centre, 2008 p.14) indicating that food prices rose by 52 per cent (p.1). Using twenty equation econometric model R. McFall Lamm and Paul C. Westcott study on The Effects of Changing Input Costs on Food Prices proves that changes in factor prices r esults quickly in change of food prices the results also indicates that food prices increase rapidly than non food prices. Consequently, the increase in prices will ultimately lead to unrest in many poor countries; bearing in mind that as result of 2007 food prices increase, 30 countries experienced food riots where the worlds poorest people can no longer afford basic food (Georgia Miller, 2008). Unless international finance and trade institutions namely (WTO, IMF, World Bank) are reformed, there are no hopes for poor countries to compete in the global trade. Free trade remains elusive as long as the rich countries still applying production protection policies such as producers subsidy  [2]  and tariffs which represent at their end reflecting Export restrictions to the developing countries productions, while demanding them to open their market doors for the global trade (Wall 1999; kent 2002, Gowa 1994; OECD 2007; Coote 1996; Lloyd, P. J. 1999). The World Bank (2008) recognises this very well stating By removing their current level of protection, industrial countries would induce annual welfare gains for developing countries estimated to be five times the current annual flow of aid to agriculture and predicting that Poor countries that export cotton or oilseeds, such as Chad, Sudan, Burkina Faso, Mali, and Benin, stand to gain. Among the big expected gainers are Brazil, T hailand, and Vietnam. (p.11) So far no protectionist policies have been lifted. In fact the international finance and trade institutions have no strong influence upon the rich countries polices. Meanwhile, the reform agendas has been extended to cover the whole United Nations systems and structures; whereas the heart of the reform is in financing the global organisation(Gordon 1994; Mà ¼ller 1992). Having people as Jeffery Sachs (2010) the Harvard University Professor of Economics advocating the idea of taxing transactions between banks and financial institutions to raise funds for global issues like poverty. One might argue that the implementation of Aid for Trade programmes would also contribute to solving the crisis as they could help developing countries to integrate into international markets through trade. However, the impact of such programmes in boosting agricultural productivity is not clearly established (South Centre 2008 p.37) In contrast Kevin Danaher (2001) is calling for the abolishment of those financial and trade institutions building his argument in fairness and usefulness. Until the stalled trade negotiations (Hall-Matthews 2010) or reform around those financial institutions reach consensus or at least level of agreement, the situation on poor countries in term of faire trade and food security remain the same as early 1980s since threats of famine became more of curse in countries like Ethiopia (Hancock 1985) and Nigel Twose (1984) ) critics as cited in Hancock 1985 remains valid, when it goes to see the result of an IMF intervention in the third world is the acceleration of change in agricultural practices, resulting in even greater concentration on crops for export, at the expense of food crops for local consumption (p.124); in other words the land that should be feeding their people is producing food for European and north American consumers concluding that these systems lead to deprivation for million(p.127). Ironically, similar conclus ions to the 1980s rhetoric has being reached within the International Development Committee of Great Britain (2009) that the poor countries are losing billions of dollars every year to tax evasion by international companies and they need to be assisted to benefit from their own resources. Indeed that not every single poor country has enough resources for achieving food self-sufficiency which refers to 100% coverage of a nation needs (Dhliwayo 1988 p.15), nether food production refers to agro-grain it can also refers to aqua food such sea food fisheries or managing animal products; bearing in mind the advances in science that mankind has reached, and possible support food producers which could be through protection policies research and extension organisations (p.31) as in the case of farmers. The more they can produce the more secure the country becomes in term of development and stability. In general export of goods and engagement in trade may be an excellent way of making earnings for generating wealth at large scale, but creation of wealth as an end does not necessarily means the fundamental needs of the poor will be served, bearing in mind all the miseries that Europe has gone through during the industrialisation era. Export of goods might it not be a good way for securing fundamental survival necessity for the poor people, such as food and water. The whole Marxist literature is discussing that accumulation of capital makes few people richer; I mentioned this here to highlight that the propensity that expected from good exports and investment in production is contingent by many other factors and expectations such as profitability and success in competition with well established firms within unstable global markets and financial system undergoing a crisis the risk for that choice grows greater and greater. Indeed with the option to grow food there are also great risk s such climate change; which does not necessarily means drought, it could also takes the form of heavy rains and floods or any other natural disasters. At (page 1) I added weak infrastructures to Colliers(2007) similarities of the poor countries, this weak infrastructures hinders trade in global competition more than it affect agriculture, indeed any improvement in those infrastructure and capacities will have positive inputs toward these countries development. A clear example A clear example by Marc Wuyts(1993) who studies the case of Tanzania 1960s up 1970s when Tanzanias economic policy has centred an investment strategy with the aim to speed up economic development with assistance of aid and less concern for its consequences, he argues that not scrutinizing the consequences of the aid-driven state-led investment strategy in the context of an open and structurally fairly inflexible economy (p.160) which relied on few export crops in order to obtain hard currencies, has reduced the country growth rates which was assumed to be attained and has wrecked the economy to become aid dependent in both financing investments and imports of consumer goods. He continues to argue that while agriculture, which was not the main beneficiary of this strategy, it determined its unpleasant ending. Ray Bush (2000) discuss similar case of prioritising cash crops for export in Egypt where the International financial institutions reforms have failed to make the economic prospe rous; instead changes in diets and food purchases to economise on household expenses; extra labour time associated with searching for cheaper food in the souk and sales of livestock, jewellery and other household assets (p.242). He considers Market driven solutions fails to take into account the Egyptian rural people lifestyles and their way to address their uneven access to resources. He noticed that there is inadequate attention by the international agencies to the ongoing market failure, and the ways in which people are adopting themselves with crisis. Instead they are focused on notions of peasant ignorance and poor technology (p.248). Bartra, Roger and Otero, Gerardo (1987) conducted analysis cash crops in contrast with subsistence crops in Mexico, using prices and production data from 1940 to 1983 their analysis reflected a twofold crisis one is deterioration of peasant economy; the second is related the production of cash crops reflect the local capitalist crisis in the field of agriculture. While export of good requires government facilitation of trade processes (Collier 2007) and encouragement commonly understood as less state led interventions accordingly easier to perform. Normally the food production strategy makers expect governmental control and state led interventions; which varies from the level of land reform laws Foster(1992) and protection of producers policies to the level of micro support such as research and extension services for farmers(Ramasamy and Selvaraj 2007). But in principle the governments of poor countries are expected implement state led interventions and play more role than safe guarding the society. Conclusion Oversimplifying some issues How come I ask a poor hungry man to trade and invest?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Technical Report The Construction of Alloy Wheels :: Design and Technology

Technical Report The Construction of Alloy Wheels Introduction Aluminium alloy wheels are now used in all branches of Motor Racing, ranging from Touring cars and Rally cars to Formula One cars. The Alloy wheels offer far superior mechanical properties than the conventional steel wheels formerly used. These benefits include reduced un-sprung weight, i.e. not held by the suspension, providing more precise steering input and improved responsiveness. Alloy wheels also improve acceleration and braking due to the reduction of weight. The added strength of a quality alloy wheel can significantly reduce wheel/tire deflection in cornering. This is particularly critical with a vehicle equipped with high performance tires where lateral forces may approach 1.0g. The metals in alloy wheels are excellent conductors of heat - improving heat dissipation from the brakes - reducing risk of brake fade under demanding conditions. Additionally, alloy wheels can be designed to allow more air to flow over the brakes, this can help cooling. The alloy used in the finest road wheels today is a blend of aluminium and other elements. The term "mag wheel" is sometimes incorrectly used to describe alloy wheels. Magnesium is generally considered to be an unsuitable alloy for road usage due to its brittle nature and susceptibility to corrosion. Nowadays, there are basically three ways in which alloy automotive wheels are constructed. The three types can be referred to simply by cast, billet and forged. Casting is a relatively inexpensive way to produce a high-quality, fairly strong alloy wheel; many aftermarket alloy wheels designed for street use are made this way. Billet wheels are machined from a solid chunk of material and forging uses intense heat and pressure to transform a slug of alloy material into the final shape of a wheel. This report will focus mainly on the casting processes used. Casting Processes The most common process of constructing alloy wheels is One-Piece Casting, there are a number of methods to do this, and the most basic is Die Casting, this process is used world wide throughout the casting industry and is not exclusive to alloy wheels. The Die Casting process uses a permanent mould usually made of metal, which generally means that there is high tooling costs compared to other methods of casting, but this high tooling cost is combined with low production costs. This means that die casting is suitable for products with a large production number. There are four main processes in the die casting family, these are: Gravity Die Casting Pressure Die Casting Low Pressure Die Casting Squeeze Casting Gravity Die Casting This process is the most simple of the four, the mould or die, which is generally made in two halves, is filled with molten metal, in the

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

What is the meaning of share value maximization?

The shareholder value represents the interest of stakeholders in a business. Shareholders experiences or seems to see an increase in the value of their shares through dividends or gains at stock exchange. Share value maximization is one of the principles used by management to prioritize the interests of shareholders through projects that will increase profits and ultimately the share dividends. Stock price maximization involves adoption of low cost and efficient processes so as to manufacture goods and services of high quality at the lowest cost possible.Thus, by adopting new technology to produce required goods and services by consumers, is beneficial to the society both in the short and long term basis. In addition, it facilitates courteous and efficient services as well as adequate stocks of merchandise (Kellison, 1991). Discuss the time value of money concept. What is discounting and how is it related to compounding? What is compounding? Explain why earning interest on interest i s called compound interest?Time value of money is concept used in financial management to compare alternatives in investment as well as solving problems that involve mortgages, savings, loans, annuities, and leases. Time value of value of money is based on the idea that the amount of money one holds today is worth more than the expectation that he/she the same amount in future. The currently held money has high value in future as it can be invested and earn interest after some time.Discounting involves calculating or converting specific future amount/value of money at certain discount rate to establish its present value. Thus, a person is able to make judgment on whether to invest such amount of money and reap rewards in future. On the other hand, compounding refers to adding interest earned to the principal amount so that it can go on earning higher interests in its own right. The reason that initial interest earns additional interest i. e. compounded is why it is called compound i nterest (Kellison, 1991).Explain the following statement: While the balance sheet can be thought of as a snapshot of the firm’s financial position as of a point in time, the income statements reports on operations over a period of time? The balance sheet shows the financial position of an enterprise in terms of net assets, capital (stockholder’s or owner’s equity), and liabilities as at the end of a specific fiscal period. At any moment in time, assets are equal to the owner’s equity plus liabilities. Liabilities represent creditor’s claims against the assets of an enterprise.Thus, a balance sheet facilitates a business owner to quickly assess the financial capability and of his/her business. Income statement shows all the business transactions in terms of sales and purchases made, revenue collected, and expenses incurred in given period of time. Therefore, the primary use of income statements is to testify if a company is making profit or loss for a given period of time to the shareholders or potential investors (Frank, 2004). Why is it sometimes misleading to compare a company’s financial ratios with those of other firms that operate in the same industry?First, it is in doubt that different companies apply or use different accounting policies to govern their financial operations. Therefore, a specific accounting policy applied by a certain company may not be similar to another’s policy. For instance, a company may apply accrual basis concept whereas another doest not recognize accruals until they are paid. Secondly, companies operate differently in terms of business activity and management for instance, companies may be in the same industrial sector but they engage in different activities such as production of raw materials and processing.In such a case a production company may be affected by adverse conditions like weather whereas the other is favored by industrial-processing subsidies offered by the governme nt which translates to healthier financial ratios. In addition, some financial managers of certain companies are unscrupulous and such individuals can calculate unprofessionally to lure potential investors. Proper comparison can only be achieved if there are established industrial standards within which all companies can draft their financial ratios (Ibid, 2004).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Multi Agency Benefits For Children And Families Social Work Essay Essay Example

Multi Agency Benefits For Children And Families Social Work Essay Essay Example Multi Agency Benefits For Children And Families Social Work Essay Essay Multi Agency Benefits For Children And Families Social Work Essay Essay †¦ there appears to be a famine of grounds to back up the impression that multi-agency working in pattern brings about existent benefits for kids and households The local authorization and authorities bureaus have been working together for a long clip and non wholly new pattern. Jones and Leverett quote However, the thrust towards integrated working which includes the full kids s work force ( that is, every person who works, on an employed or voluntary footing, with kids and their households across sectors such as wellness, instruction, early old ages and child care, drama work, societal attention, constabulary, young person support and leisure services ) under the interagency umbrella is a more recent and ambitious invention ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 123 ) Multi-agency working can be analysed utilizing three primary policy contexts. First, the context of influence, where policy discourses are constructed and cardinal policy constructs for illustration, partnership or multi-agency working are established. Second, the context of policy text production, or the paperss that represent policy ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 125 ) . These are normally expressed in linguistic communication which claims to be sensible and for the general public good ( Bowe et al. , 1992 ) . They include texts such as the SEN Code of Practice ( DfES, 2001 ) or the new Working Together to Safeguard Children guidelines ( HM Government, 2010 ) . Such texts are so responded to within the context of pattern, or what really happens on the land for illustration, schools, child care or wellness scenes as a consequence of a peculiar policy . ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 125 ) Jones ( 2000 ) added a 6th context, the context of concealed values . This means positive consequence results on policy ; such as, statute law that promotes interagency cooperation in kids s services. They aim to protect kids s public assistance and better well-being. However, Jones suggests that there may be a scope of concealed significances and results. At a cardinal degree, policy can be smartly constructed to mask a peculiar set of purposes, values and beliefs. Intentionally or otherwise, policy may be a wolf in sheep s vesture ( Jones, 2000 ) There is besides grounds that practicians construct their ain significances related to policy, whether these are intended or non. Commenting on the inclination of policy shapers to centrally design signifiers, e-templates and appraisal tools . ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) Both, Garrett ( 2006 ) and Axford et Al. ( 2006 ) note how these are sometimes resisted by practicians because they are perceived as exercising cardinal control over hitherto reasonably independent countries and suspected of being a cost-cutting device ( Axford et al. , 2006, p. 172 ) . Consequently, policy could really prolong or make fortunes that maintain or exacerbate jobs. Rather than being a solution to the perceived job, the interaction between policy and pattern may do a new set of jobs. ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) The cardinal point is that policy is at three degrees local, front line and cardinal. At cardinal degree the thoughts are made concrete and so articulated nationally and locally. At the clip the policy enters the work force such as schools, practicians perceptual experiences can accordingly be affected. The inquiry is: to what extent is the vision enshrined in cardinal policy on multi-agency working likely to alter as it travels on its journey from cardinal authorities to individual practician? ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) Governments have a inclination to build their vision for policy as a statement of purposes or intended results. Sometimes the vision is embedded within a wider model ; for illustration, authoritiess in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland ( Jones and Leverett, 2008 pg 126 ) In England, kids s well-being was defined as the five reciprocally reenforcing results originally presented in the Every Child Matters Green Paper ( DfES, 2003, p. 6 ) : SHEEP is an acronym that stands for: S Stay safe H Healthy E Enjoy and accomplish E Economic well-being P Positive part The following stairss is to interpret these visions into larning which can be implemented into pattern by people working in such sectors. The five results were integrated into the development of the common nucleus accomplishments and cognition for the kids s work force ( DfES, 2005 ) dwelling of: Effective communicating and battle with kids, immature people and households Child and immature individual development Safeguarding and advancing the public assistance of the kid Supporting passages Multi-agency working Sharing information . ( DfES, 2005 ) Despite fluctuations, the UK authorities agreed that all kids will profit from closer working between practicians and bureaus. The Common Assessment Framework ( CAF ) is a cardinal portion of presenting frontline services that are integrated and focused around the demands of kids and immature people. The CAF will advance more effectual, earlier designation of extra demands, peculiarly in cosmopolitan services. It is intended to supply a simple procedure for a holistic appraisal of a kid s demands and strengths, taking history of the function of parents, carers and environmental factors on their development ( ECM, 2008 ) . The CAF signifier is designed to record and, where appropriate, portion with others, appraisals, programs and recommendations for support. Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places a statutory responsibility on cardinal people and organic structures to do agreements to safeguard and advance the public assistance of kids . ( HM Government, 2004 ) The ECM states all bureaus are required to hold: Senior direction committedness to the importance of safeguarding and advancing kids s public assistance A clear statement of the bureau s duties towards kids, available for al staff Safe enlisting processs in topographic point Effective inter-agency working to safeguard and advance the public assistance of kids Effective information sharing ( ECM, 2008 ) The principle for the CAF is to assist practicians develop a shared apprehension of kids, which avoids households reiterating themselves to all other bureaus. The CAF helps to develop a common apprehensions of what needs to be done and how. Do non reevaluate when the information is already there ( Parents in audience about appraisal, in Scots Executive, 2005b, p. 23 ) The statement is simple and on the surface persuasive, the drift based on assisting single kids. But the relationship between appraisal processs, their intent and their results is seldom straightforward ( Jones, 2004 ) . Assessment is a womb-to-tomb procedure with societal effects and may be influenced by contextual factors and professional value places. It is literally a point at which certain kids are judged to be different ( Tomlinson, 1982, p. 82 ) . Some parents and kids s positions of their services have highlighted their wanting a coordinated service that is delivered through a individual point of contact, a key worker , named individual or link worker ( Sloper, 2004, p. 572 ) . Within the CAF, a similar function was produced, the lead professional ( LP ) who takes duty for organizing the action identified as a consequence of the CAF procedure and will back up the kid and their household as necessary. One of the dashing facets of the CAF is the figure of professionals that practicians will prosecute with, such as wellness, instruction, societal services and voluntary bureaus. It can be besides rather dashing in happening out who the support services are and their contact inside informations. However, with the CAF procedure it can be off of get the better ofing tenseness antecedently encountered around multi bureau working and sharing information. Just as kids and their households have a part to do to determine the services they receive through the assorted signifiers of partnership discussed in old chapters, so they can lend to the development of pattern and practicians. This can go on at many degrees through rating, feedback, audience and research, every bit good as direct engagement in preparation. Practitioners and the administrations they work for demand to recognize that kids and their households have specific cognition that can non be learnt from anyplace else . ( Rixon, 2008 ) Children are party to the subculture of childhood which gives them a alone insider position that is critical to our apprehension of kids s universes . ( Kellett, 2005, p. 4 ) Like many who on a regular basis consult kids and immature people, we find that their positions are ever serious, concise, thoughtful and extremely relevant and cut through the preexistent dockets and diplomatic turning awaies that beset many audiences with professional grownups. We find that even really immature kids are more than able to analyze and give clear positions on many issues within their experience . ( Morgan, 2005, pp. 181-182 ) How is the success of more incorporate ways of working to be judged? One component of rating might be to see to what extent incorporate squads or new enterprises or constructions have overcome obstructions and enabled more positive ways of working . ( Stone and Rixon, 2008 ) As we have discussed, authorities policy and the literature on kids s services all emphasise the importance of bureaus working together and the value of partnership constructions, yet: Despite such exhortations, there appears to be a famine of grounds to back up the impression that multi-agency working in pattern brings about existent benefits for kids and households. ( Townsley et al. , 2004, p. 6 ) However, Michelle Warren quotes According to Consultancy 4Children ( Policy into pattern, 4Children, 2009 ) consistent grounds indicates that parents and kids are best served if the support on offer is joined up and good coordinated . It would be appropriate to recognize that although services may be provided in one scene, there is still a hazard of services non being joined up, because of different bureaus ( and viing interests/perspectives ) involved. ( Warren, 2010 ) However, Howell states Previously we really made it improbably hard by doing kids and parents and carers make their ain manner through the services all being assessed rather individually and acquiring really assorted messages. So multi-agency working is indispensable where a kid needs it. We must nt acquire baffled and believe multi-agency working has got to be the lone manner of working. In some instances it s really the school that will do the difference and that s the bureau where the huge bulk of kids will accomplish the best results . ( Howell, 2008 ) However, Townsley highlights the existent benefits for households and kids. Howell provinces There are tensenesss between bureaus, some of them driven by the different get downing point that different bureaus have. So the nature of the marks that bureaus are measured by are really rather different. The wellness marks that wellness services are measured by are significantly different from the sort of marks that schools work to and peculiarly are rather distant from the results of Every Child Matters . ( Howell, 2008 ) As with any Multi bureau working, it is important to measure whether any new undertakings or enterprises have been set marks against standards that can be measured. This is peculiarly a contemplation for grounds based intercessions which have been associated with issues, such as value for money. In relation to this, many have marks which have been set and necessarily raise inquiries whether it is the right one to be assigned with a peculiar mark. Practitioners recognise that marks can enable lucidity and equity, and concentrate attending on of import countries of pattern ( Banks, 2004 ) . However, Townsley et Al. ( 2004 ) states review a figure of surveies that reveal small grounds of improved results of multi-agency working across a scope of services and scenes. Their reappraisal besides makes clear that the undertaking of rating itself is a complex 1. Built-in jobs include: troubles in generalizing from single instance surveies ; diverse positions of different stakeholders as to what counts as success ; the length of clip needed to measure alteration ; and causality and ascription . ( Glendinning, 2002, cited in Townsley, 2004, p. 6 ) Consequently, Howell states Children s engagement and battle is cardinal to the redesign of services peculiarly with a multi-agency position. It s portion of the larning about what makes a difference the whole issue around personalisation puts the client, the individual having the services, as the co-designer of their solutions . ( Howell, 2008 ) To reason, A formative attack to rating that encourages duologue and on-going betterments to both policy and pattern would look to offer a positive manner frontward. However, this is non without its challenges and there are still issues to be addressed, non least preparation and elucidation of functions and duties. It is up to single practicians to advance an inclusive attack to professional difference and to develop a scope of different theoretical accounts enabling coaction, regard, reciprocality, pragmatism and risk-taking. ( Leverett and Jones, 2008 )

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on None_Provided

The Declaration of Independence is considered one of the most important documents in world history because its effects were felt around the world and not only in its place of origin, the United States. While blacks used context from the declaration to challenge slavery in the United States, the French used its ideals to start their own revolution. The Declaration of Independence can be seen to be one of the few documents that had a profound impact on the world, and this can be easily seen because of the changes it brought forth. The Declaration of Independence was a document made by several delegates of the U.S. in 1776. It was simply made as a document that declared the independence of the 13 British colonies in America. On July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration after a few changes were made to it. Even though I think the Declaration’s main purpose was to declare the colonies independent, there were many other ideas the declaration addressed. There are many important ideas in the Declaration of Independence. These ideas such as: rights, freedom, liberty and happiness have become the foundations of American society and have helped shape the â€Å"American identity†. Power, another abstraction that reoccurs in all major parts of the Declaration plays equally important role in shaping â€Å"American identity†. One forgets the abstraction of power because it appears in relation to other institutions: the King, the earth, and the military. Even though power is addressed very indirectly in the declaration its existence is still valued. All of these important abstractions collectively have led to major changes in the world. A very simple phrase: â€Å"all men are created equal† which is included in the Declaration of Independence was quickly used by blacks in the U.S. to question slavery. They wondered if all men were created equal then how could one man own another man. We can give the Declaration credit for starti... Free Essays on None_Provided Free Essays on None_Provided The Declaration of Independence is considered one of the most important documents in world history because its effects were felt around the world and not only in its place of origin, the United States. While blacks used context from the declaration to challenge slavery in the United States, the French used its ideals to start their own revolution. The Declaration of Independence can be seen to be one of the few documents that had a profound impact on the world, and this can be easily seen because of the changes it brought forth. The Declaration of Independence was a document made by several delegates of the U.S. in 1776. It was simply made as a document that declared the independence of the 13 British colonies in America. On July 4, 1776 the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration after a few changes were made to it. Even though I think the Declaration’s main purpose was to declare the colonies independent, there were many other ideas the declaration addressed. There are many important ideas in the Declaration of Independence. These ideas such as: rights, freedom, liberty and happiness have become the foundations of American society and have helped shape the â€Å"American identity†. Power, another abstraction that reoccurs in all major parts of the Declaration plays equally important role in shaping â€Å"American identity†. One forgets the abstraction of power because it appears in relation to other institutions: the King, the earth, and the military. Even though power is addressed very indirectly in the declaration its existence is still valued. All of these important abstractions collectively have led to major changes in the world. A very simple phrase: â€Å"all men are created equal† which is included in the Declaration of Independence was quickly used by blacks in the U.S. to question slavery. They wondered if all men were created equal then how could one man own another man. We can give the Declaration credit for starti... Free Essays on None_Provided Child Psychology Child Analysis Overview: Upon pondering whom to choose for this assignment, I came to the conclusion that I would use my younger cousin Kristy Germinario. Kristi attends my former grammar school, and thanks to principal Sister Mary Henry, I was allowed to sit in her class for an entire school day for observational purposes. Kristy was born on October 10th 1994 to her parents Guy and Giovanna Germinario. Kristy lives with her two parents, Guy and Giovanna as well as her younger sister Kayla, who is 5 years old. She gets to spend a lot of time with her parents because her mother is a schoolteacher, and her father owns his own business close to home. She is in Mr. Hamilton’s third grade class at Immaculate Conception School in Secaucus, New Jersey. She is about 3’10† and has brown hair and green eyes. Kristy is overall a wonderful asset to the class. She is always willing to help out at any given time. She constantly volunteers and is an active member in the classroom. In each domain that I will discuss, you will see Kristy’s strengths as well as her weaknesses. Kristy has mastered many of these domains, but can still use some improvement in a few. When a child enters third grade, he/she becomes part of an entire new world. Children in third grade begin to learn how to tackle increasingly complex tasks, become better at reading, writing, and math, and broaden their general knowledge of the world. At the same time, they are learning how to deal with a large amount of new emotions that they start to feel. In third grade, peers become an important source of companionship. At this age, students form many close relationships with the children in their class. Overall, Kristy’s personal and social development is particularly proficient. Kristy has formed many positive relationships with many of the children in her class, but is very close with two boys especially. One boy is Chase, a boy in...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Promoting A Healthy Environment For Children The Role of the Practitioner Essays

Promoting A Healthy Environment For Children The Role of the Practitioner Essays Promoting A Healthy Environment For Children The Role of the Practitioner Essay Promoting A Healthy Environment For Children The Role of the Practitioner Essay My first piece of evidence is a Cleves Cross dinner menu, which displays the food that will be served to the children throughout the week. It displays a variety of foods which will suit the childrens daily intake as they are rich is carbohydrates, sugars, vitamins and minerals. Every meal will come with clean drinking water to fulfil a childs right to clean water. Each meal now also comes with a health nutritious salad or numerous vegetables such as broccoli or carrots, this enables children to stay fit and healthy. It is the role of the practitioner to plan and cook these meals daily for every child to ensure that every child has a nutritious meal so that children get their Guided Daily Amount (GDA) of nutrients and so they have the energy to participate in fun stimulating activities. If children have allergies or disliking in the food then it is the role of the practitioner to plan suitable alternatives which will provide them with the necessary nutrition, for example in my first placement Child A was a vegetarian and does not like to consume any meat or fish and that he does not like milk which was being served, so my supervisor and myself had to plan a substitute food and drink to give to him instead of serving him the tuna. This was discussed with another member of staff that usually prepares the meals and we decided that providing him with cheese and orange juice would be a suitable substitute for the tuna and milk, as it will provide him with the necessary nutrition that tuna would, such as protein, calcium and Vitamin C. It is the role of the practitioner to review the Childrens Dietary Needs file before a meal is served, to observe any dietary needs of the children within the setting and appropriate planning and action must be taken to suit these needs. It is also my role to act as a role model and eat healthy food with these children, as they will witness me doing this and imitate me according to Skinners imitation theory. [E8] Practitioners must know the specific needs of every child so that they can suit these needs to help them develop to the best of their ability, so practitioners must listen carefully to parents to respect and act professional about these needs. I learnt that practitioners must also follow inclusions polices to stop a child from feeling excluded, for example when serving the cheese to the child many other child has asked for some cheese too but I explained to them that it was just for Child A as they all had tuna, and they were all happy to eat the tuna instead, this ensures that everyone felt included and all had something to eat and drink. My second piece of evidence in a Fire evacuation procedure, this clearly shows step by step instructions about what to do if a fire occurs; these are placed all over the school in case of a fire. It is the role of the practitioner to create and put up these instructions all over the school to protect the children in case there is a fire, practitioners must also have regular fire drills and tests to ensure that all the alarms work correctly and teach every child how to line up and evacuate the building without panicking or getting upset. In my placement the teachers also arranged a visit from the local fire fighting team to come and give and talk about their job and the dangers of fire, they had a quiet chat with a particular young girl how was very scared of fire and this helped her emotional well-being as it put her mind at rest. My third piece of evidence is a Health and Safety Policy which Aims to provide a safe and healthy environment for children, teaching and non-teaching staff and all other people who come onto the premises of our school According to the Health and Safety Policy. This document clearly states many aim, principles and responsibilities that a parent must read and sign for their child to enter the school as a student. This policy will create a safe and secure environment for all children to protect them from all dangers and hazards. It states many policies and procedures to keep each child intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically safe from all hazards. It is the role of the practitioner to write these policies and ensure they are put into practise by safeguarding each and every child. My fourth piece of evidence is a risk assessment taken from my setting when we were conducting a school trip to the local village, every member of staff on the trip would read and sign the document to accept legal responsibility. The United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 means that I must legally provide clean water, nutritious food and a safe environment for the children in my setting, to do this I must carry out many risk assessments of the environment to ensure the setting is safe for every child to attend. During school trips, indoor and outdoor play, practitioners must always conduct risk assessments to ensure that the environment with be as safe as possible for every child. Practitioners must fulfil the childrens right to be healthy by providing them with healthy food, physical exercise and a happy environment. Practitioners must take steps to keeping children safe e. g. risk assessments and ensure that children can enjoy and achieve by providing them with fun and stimulating activities to develop and reach their full potential in life. There are many risk assessments carried out to manage every risk to provide a healthy environment to challenge each child. Safety procedures are carried out regularly such as first aid and fire drills and there should always be the correct staff to children ratio. According to the EYFS Practise Card 3. 3 the Learning Environment, Help children to understand how to behave outdoors and inside by talking about personal safety, risks and the safety of others. Ensure safety without stopping reasonable risk-taking. My final piece of evidence is an accident report taken from my setting. At my setting, there are many policies and procedures that must be followed by all staff members if a child has an accident. Each child has their own Safeguarding: Accident Log which should always be filled in for minor accident and injuries. Every time a child has an injury the Date, Time, Place of accident, Circumstances, Nature and Treatment must be recorded and then the Supervisor, Manager, Witnesses and parents must all sign the log to prove that they have all been notified. The accident must then be given a number and that number must be placed on a diagram to show where the child has hurt themselves, it is the role of the practitioner to fill out all these forms and record each accident. After every accident the manager must be informed about all the details and then must sign the accident log to prove that they have been informed. If a childs injury gets worse than an Injury Monitoring Log must be filled in and the childs health must be recorded every 30 minutes, this is for things such as concussions where the parents of the child must be contacted as soon as possible. Confidentially must be maintained at all times throughout a childs accident, for example a supervisor cannot disclose any information to a parent about any other child other than their own. As a practitioner it is my role to promote this healthy lifestyle by following legislation and acting as a role model, by eating and providing a variety of healthy food and snacks with the children so they can choose which ones they prefer as every child is different and would have a different opinion. As a practitioner I must follow initiatives such as the 5-a-day scheme which states that a child should have at least 5 fruits or vegetables a day to keep healthy. As a practitioner it is my role to ensure that I encourage children to clean their teeth and go to the dentist and doctors regularly and to produce hygiene routines such as hand washing or teeth brushing before or after lunch, this will become a habit to children and they will continue to do this throughout their life. The Children Act 2004 promotes the five outcomes of the Every Child Matters (ECM) legislation, one of these outcomes is be healthy and this ensures that every child has the right to have all of their dietary and nutritional needs met while at the setting, it is the role of the practitioner to ensure that each child gets the nutrients they need. Early years settings are all influenced by legislation to create strict policies and procedures to safeguard and protect their children and according to Beaver et al (2008:92) Operating against policy will often have serious disciplinary implications for staff involved. E10] The ECM legislation ensures that every child matters no matter what background/ gender or belief a child has, they all must be given equal support to thrive and develop. It is the role of practitioners to never discriminate against a child because of their disability, race, gender or beliefs; they must be treated fairly and given equal opportunities to succeed. According t o Tassoni P et al (2007:115) It is an accepted view in society and the early years sector that every child is special and should be given opportunities to fulfil his or her potential. This is the bases on anti-discriminatory practise and focus of many laws today. Practitioners should always challenge discrimination in practise, they must follow the settings policies and procedures to stop the abusive behaviour or language as the welfare of the child being discriminated against may be at risk, also other children will imitate this attitude and grow up to understand that everyone is different and should be valued. E8] Every child is different and has different likes and dislikes and cultural background, this personal information can be used to help plan specific activities to keep a emotionally and intellectually healthy, for example a child who likes trains can count toy trains to develop their maths skills as every child is unique and will have different interests and will need different activities planned to help them develop. There are many policies, procedures and legislations to ensure that inappropriate behaviour must be kept to a minimum to safeguard the children, for example EYPs must legally undergo regular safeguarding training and Ofsted requirements to ensure they are capable to protect a child. Another example is the Children Act 1989 which explains thats children must be protected at all times; this is the duty of a practitioner. Workers must follow many health and safety procedures to never put staff members or children at risk; they must constantly behave as professionals to safe-guard every child in a setting. For example it is the role of the practitioner to always carry a first aid kit when taking children off the premises, as children made need medication or medical assistance while they are out. In a nursery it is the role of the practitioner to suit all over the childrens care needs, for example feeding, clothing, bathing and putting them to sleep when they need it. Although this may be difficult as every child is different and may want to eat/sleep at a different time of the day. If a child is showing signs of sickness or illness then a practitioner must follow strict policies and procedures to protect the welfare of the child. A practitioner must immediately take the childs temperature and follow a specific procedure, depending on that childs temperature. When this childs temperature was first taken, it was above 37i C, so a Sickness Monitoring Log must be filled in to record the childs temperature every 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the childs temperature had risen to over 37. 5i C so emergency calpol had to be administrated and her mother was called and informed, the setting then isolated the child so the infection could not spread, following their procedure for prevention of infection. The settings polices state that if the childs temperature had rose to over 38i C then the parents would immediately have to come and collect the child and take them to the doctors. Every child has a Sickness Monitoring Log and it must be filled in every time a child is ill, a practitioner must declare the time, symptoms, the action taken, if the childs parents were informed and if they were collected early. The parents of the child, supervisor present and the manager of the setting then had to sign the log. Another example is the Children Act 1989 which explains thats children must be protected at all times; this is the duty of a practitioner. A worker must Honour the confidentiality of information relating to the child and their family, unless its disclosure is required by law or is in the best interest of the child According to CACHE. Workers must follow many health and safety procedures to never put staff members or children at risk; they must constantly behave as professionals to safe-guard every child in a setting. According to Bruce T and Meggitt C (2010:365) Practitioners, including students, should not discuss or otherwise share this information for example, when chatting in the staffroom or with friends at the weekend. . Practitioners must understand that Settings will have strict confidentiality policies which will compel them to keep all private information about a child in a safe, secure place and only disclose this information if that specific childs well-being is at risk. Practitioners must also understand that if this private information is revealed it may cause harm or distress to the child or family involved and the child may have problems trusting adults in the future, as staff must be aware of the importance of confidentiality in the roles of the key person as Anyone working with your children, whether in a nursery setting, a school or in the family home, will need to practise confidentiality. Confidentiality is respect for the privacy of any information about a child and his or her family. According to Bruce T and Meggitt C (2007:499). For example, when I carried out my dairy tasks and observations in my setting I had to sign a statement of confidentiality to ensure that I respected my settings policies of confidentiality and instead of naming the setting and the children I used names such as Child A and Adult B to refer to each child. Although I could improve my practise by keeping all my observation about the children in a safer location such as a lockable file cabinet instead of my current plastic folder.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Processualism vs. Post-Processualism Research Paper - 1

Processualism vs. Post-Processualism - Research Paper Example Moreover, the postprocessual perspective which has a modern orientation has been found to cause diversity in archaeological arguments, which as a result has led to post-modernism misunderstandings. This article studies the history of Indiana Jones using the two approaches (Winterhalder, & Eric, 2000). It finally compares and contrasts the two approaches, and finally gives the findings of the study. Theories are guiding principles formulated to help people such as researchers to come up with sensible generalizations of the world around (Hegmon, 2003). This particular study focuses on Indiana Jones’ archaeological approach which is portrayed through drama. A lot of research has been done on this approach, in order to determine if it is a credible way of carrying out archeology. This paper will specifically apply the processual versus the postprocessual approach in trying to come up with sensible conclusions on this title. These approaches present to us the tools to apply in stud ying a particular topic of interest, so as to come up with relevant conclusions (Praetzellis, 2000). While the processual approach is the original way of studying how humans carried out their things, the Postprocessual approach criticizes the processual archaeology. Indiana Jones is considered to the world’s most famous archaeologist because of the role he plays in most of the movies he has acted (Winterhalder & Eric, 2000). His theoretical diversity in many of the movies he has acted, portray him as a real archeologist.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Perform a Limited Risk Managment Study Coursework - 1

Perform a Limited Risk Managment Study - Coursework Example Privacy invasion: Using P2P networks or applications may give unauthorized users access to personal data either, by accessing personal directories or users give private information to whom they believe to be a trusted source or organization. When Medical or financial information, sensitive individual or corporate data is compromised, users are vulnerable to identity theft (Bidgoli, 2004). Vulnerability: Several P2P networks and applications ask users to open certain ports on the computers firewall to share files. Opening this ports provide attackers with channels to attack the user’s computer by utilizing any susceptibilities that may exist in the P2P connection. Service Denial: Downloading media files raise the capacity of traffic across the network. This may restrain the user’s internet access or inhibit the availability of certain applications in the user’s computer. The best ways to avoid these risks is by refraining from P2P networks and applications, but if a user insists on using them, they should have a proper and up to date antivirus program and they should have installed and enabled a firewall on their

Banking Law (question in instruction) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Banking Law (question in instruction) - Essay Example erefore, the holder can be either the person to whom the cheque was written or the individual in possession of it by virtue of a transfer by negotiation2. In this case, the order which has been fraudulently obtained and negotiated by Clara to their debtor is an illegal order cheque requiring an indorsement by the legitimate holder who in this case is Megan. As such, she reserves the right to file charges of cheque fraud against Clara and seek an injunction against any cashing of the cheque by Jason’s bank for purposes of reclaiming the money amounting to 15,000. Regardless, Megan’s success would depend on her ability to prove that: a) Jason’s bank owes her the duty of care; b) there is proximity between her and the bill collecting bank; and c) cashing the money to Jason would result in material injury upon her. In Yuen Kun-Yeu v Attorney-General of Hong Kong (1987) PC, the plaintiff made deposits of money with an accredited deposit taker, but lost the deposits when it became insolvent3. He argued that the Commission regulating the activities of the deposit taken was liable because it was aware or should have been aware of the difficulties facing the depositor. However, in its decision the court said there was no proximity between the Commission and the deposit taker vis-Ã  -vis the claimant. In respect of this decision, Megan would lose the case, which then allows her the option to seek compensation for a breach of banker-customer relationship if the banker proceeds and authorises payment by a fraudulent indorsement. In Foley v. Hill and Others (1848), the court said the banker owes the customer money that is equivalent to the deposits4. The verdict considered the banker the owner of the deposits and the client the investor taking risk. In light of the verdict, Megan could successfully bring claims against the bank for fraud and obtain a refund of all of her money ‘owned’ by the bank courtesy of the fraudulent Clara and her husband if the banker settled

The Value of Hosting Events as a Destination Development Strategy Assignment - 11

The Value of Hosting Events as a Destination Development Strategy - Assignment Example The business sector portion comprising of those people whom go to go to function, or the one to be inspired to go to event if it is hosted away from home. In the field of tourism, the expression "event" is utilised to portray the diverse classifications of events, a considerable lot of which may have singular recognizable viewpoints. It incorporates events from the Olympic Games as the uber-event to little events, for example, local festivals (Hall 2002). The request of occasions is to a great extent of a limited time apportioning and different in nature. In the occasions business today the sort of occasions can be requested by size and scale, and are typically done in a going with way. Be that as it may, events can likewise be ordered by reason and the inspiration driving either holding or going to the event, not to the specific area to which they have a place. Much attention will be paid to the value of hosting events as a strategy for developing destination. It is regularly put on the economic effect mostly in light of the way the coordinators of the occasion and government must meet spending arrangement targets and to legitimize the cost, and to some degree in light of the fact that these impacts are slightest requesting to study. Huge duty to the monetary impact assessment is a cost that happens after an occasion (Chalip 2005). Diverse methods can be used to study the monetary impacts of occasions. The paper will address the way that tourism can empower gathering pride as visitors visit the spot that is, as it ought to be. All around presented towns and all that much kept up workplaces for visitors offer them to feel some help with inviting and can add to the sentiment gathering pride.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resource - Essay Example Employees who aspire for status will work hard towards getting the company car and this will be very beneficial for the organization. This paper will comprehensively analyze whether a company should add direct compensation or not when employees undervalue the cost of benefits. â€Å"Employee benefits typically refers to retirement plans, health life insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, vacation, employee stock ownership plans, etc. Benefits are increasingly expensive for businesses to provide to employees, so the range and options of benefits are changing rapidly to include, for example, flexible benefit plans.† (Direct and Indirect Compensation) Maternity leave, vacation pay and holiday pay are some of the best examples of benefits, there are two types of benefits namely tangible benefits and intangible benefits, the above examples are all tangible benefits, some of the intangible benefits include appreciation, working in a good working environment, likelihood of promotion and so on. Employees crave for fringe benefits, fringe benefits mainly refer to tangible benefits, tangible benefits are generally believed to be better than intangible benefits. ... Variable pay mainly depends on the performance of an employee in his role, when an employee performs well, he is rewarded with incentive pay and bonus pay come the end of the year, and this is a fine example of variable pay. Benefits play a pivotal role in retaining employees; benefits can also increase the job satisfaction amongst employees. Employees start working harder in order to get these benefits that an organization offers, this increases the overall productivity of the organization and the goals are easily achieved. â€Å"Employee benefits are an important part of any company’s offering to their prospective or existing staff. There can be numerous advantages to establishing an employee benefits scheme, not only for the employee, who can receive useful non-cash benefits in addition to, or in place of, part of their salary, but also for employers, who can bulk out their salary offering with additional benefits to their staff.† (Advantages of Benefits) Direct and Indirect Compensation It is very important to understand the difference between direct and indirect compensation, many employees fail to value indirect compensation and as a result of which quit an organization. Direct compensation is the salary or the wages given to the employees, indirect compensation refers to the non-monetary benefits provided to the employees, facilities like hospitalization, overtime policy and so on fall under non-monetary benefits. Here is a diagram which would throw more light upon the same. Indirect-Compensation (2011) â€Å"Today the compensation systems are designed aligned to the business goals and strategies. The employees are expected to work and take their own decisions. Authority is being delegated. Employees

Is African-American assimilation into American culture the main theme Assignment

Is African-American assimilation into American culture the main theme of these black codes - Assignment Example Section seven restricts removal of blacks from American slowing assimilation pegged at judge satisfaction. The punitive codes discouraged assimilations of the blacks. Despite earlier abolition of slavery, it was never implemented as provided for in constitution, 1802. Assimilation of Blacks entailed restrictive payment of $500 and other payment to the clerk to obtain court papers guaranteeing blacks’ freedom (Shadd 76). The restrictive bond escalated by alarmed Negroes influx who were later subjected to similar punitive codes hence forced to vacate within 30 days. Attempts to delay such order were futile hence blacks had to leave for Canada where people were not segregated on the basis of race and colors. The punitive codes were meant to push out non-America away from Ohio and not to assimilate them as pretentiously enacted. Proponent of punitive codes would later regret by losing productive blacks to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Value of Hosting Events as a Destination Development Strategy Assignment - 11

The Value of Hosting Events as a Destination Development Strategy - Assignment Example The business sector portion comprising of those people whom go to go to function, or the one to be inspired to go to event if it is hosted away from home. In the field of tourism, the expression "event" is utilised to portray the diverse classifications of events, a considerable lot of which may have singular recognizable viewpoints. It incorporates events from the Olympic Games as the uber-event to little events, for example, local festivals (Hall 2002). The request of occasions is to a great extent of a limited time apportioning and different in nature. In the occasions business today the sort of occasions can be requested by size and scale, and are typically done in a going with way. Be that as it may, events can likewise be ordered by reason and the inspiration driving either holding or going to the event, not to the specific area to which they have a place. Much attention will be paid to the value of hosting events as a strategy for developing destination. It is regularly put on the economic effect mostly in light of the way the coordinators of the occasion and government must meet spending arrangement targets and to legitimize the cost, and to some degree in light of the fact that these impacts are slightest requesting to study. Huge duty to the monetary impact assessment is a cost that happens after an occasion (Chalip 2005). Diverse methods can be used to study the monetary impacts of occasions. The paper will address the way that tourism can empower gathering pride as visitors visit the spot that is, as it ought to be. All around presented towns and all that much kept up workplaces for visitors offer them to feel some help with inviting and can add to the sentiment gathering pride.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Is African-American assimilation into American culture the main theme Assignment

Is African-American assimilation into American culture the main theme of these black codes - Assignment Example Section seven restricts removal of blacks from American slowing assimilation pegged at judge satisfaction. The punitive codes discouraged assimilations of the blacks. Despite earlier abolition of slavery, it was never implemented as provided for in constitution, 1802. Assimilation of Blacks entailed restrictive payment of $500 and other payment to the clerk to obtain court papers guaranteeing blacks’ freedom (Shadd 76). The restrictive bond escalated by alarmed Negroes influx who were later subjected to similar punitive codes hence forced to vacate within 30 days. Attempts to delay such order were futile hence blacks had to leave for Canada where people were not segregated on the basis of race and colors. The punitive codes were meant to push out non-America away from Ohio and not to assimilate them as pretentiously enacted. Proponent of punitive codes would later regret by losing productive blacks to

Theory That I find Most Appealing Essay Example for Free

Theory That I find Most Appealing Essay Theories are constructed to help in explaining, predicting and mastering phenomena. They are made to be as general as they could be in order for a certain phenomena to fit in. But mostly, there is a great effort in depicting what is there in reality. Like how chemists uses theories to understand chemical reactions, how there is an effort to identify which theory is closest to explaining how the universe took place, there is also theories that are used by those studying humans. Humans are the most unpredictable of all creatures. They could deviate from the norms and mores and traditions etc. that is why it is also essential that we understand them and explain why they act such things by using theories. The personality theory I find most appealing falls under the humanistic approach draws attention to the idea that an individual has immense freedom to know which way to take, whether it may be regarding personal growth, worth identified as one’s own or simply self-fulfillment. With this, I further limited my choice of personality theory to Snygg and Combs’ Theory of Motivation. Theory of Motivation explains that there is a basic need in each and every one of us to preserve and enhance our phenomenal self. Phenomenal self is defined as the person’s own view of himself or herself. This view explains a certain behavior by the way it was acquired by a person as s/he goes through his/her life. The experiences s/he gains and his/her conscious mind works on having a certain behavior. This theory does not take into consideration the subconscious mind like Freud does. This theory also explains that a person maintains or pushes for a better personality as s/he goes through life. Thus this makes one fully conscious of what processes one underwent and the effects it did to his/her personality. A person’s view is said to be developed over and over as s/he continuously journey through life but is limited by her/his way of seeing things by her/his previous experiences and the kind of socialization s/he was given upon growing up. Basically, this theory has the decency of realizing that a person isnot dictated by simply wants or needs or emotions or his/her subconscious mind that s/he cannot control what s/he should do. This theory recognizes the fact that a person could choose what to do with his/her life. But this theory fails to acknowledge that a person could be affected by his/her surroundings in making a sound choice or decision. Say, one is definitely against abortion, but growing up poor and seeing your parents crawling on fours just for you to have a descent life, just so you could finish college would give you a dilemma. To think twice whether you should abort that child given your circumstances or push for it despite the laid down consequences. But what is nice about this theory is that it sees a potential in human that just by having the ability to asses ourselves and the previous experiences we garnered we could be able to further upgrade ourselves. Just like a robot that is reprogrammed in a way that suits the present situations and having a wider scope of abilities. I guess, this theory backs up the clichà © that â€Å"experience is the best teacher†. And it gives a little efficiency by saying that we also learn by how we are brought up. Our lifetime is not enough to experience and learn from all the mistakes we could and should commit just to learn something new. That is why we should also learn from the mistakes of others. Weighing what is right and wrong, a perfect blend of emotion and rationality will definitely bring us to the right direction. theory. (2007). Wikipedia. Retrieved June 05, 2007, from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia: snygg and combs. (2007). Brainmeta. Retrieved June 05, 2007, from Brainmeta: humanistic approach. (2007). The Psi Cafà ©. Retrieved June 05, 2007, from The Psi Cafà © A Psychology Resource Site: snygg and combs. (2007). Social-Psychology. Retrieved June 05, 2007, from Social-Psychology:

Monday, October 14, 2019

Strategies for Environmental Sustainability

Strategies for Environmental Sustainability Environments consequences It is past time for all the people of every nation has to participate in the search for more sustainable communities. This effort is vital for the worldwide population so there will really be a planet for our kids and their kids to live in the future. An environment sustainable movement is recommended for every nation to have a real chance in returning earth into its natural balance. With the planet population becoming the more discriminating, factor each day, it will be critical to alter to the dwindling carrying limit of the planet. The worldwide population is in excess of seven billion individuals today, and the projections point to the overall increasing to between eight and ten and a half billion in the coming year 2050 (Dale, 2011). It must be central to be extremely adept in resident flight, trade and industry diversity and success, natural possibility, and the longing of people to live in such a sensible community. The major justification behind the anxiety is that natural re sources are coming to be scarce. Supposing that we were to examine the world’s health at present, what might we find? One might notice four worldwide developments that are especially unhealthy: (1) increasing populace development and its adverse impacts on human well-being, (2) a decline of indispensable ecosystem services, (3) the destructive impacts of worldwide climate change, and (4) a misfortune of biodiversity (Wright Boorse, 2011). Human over dependence on fossil fuel comes with a price and we are now beginning to see that the cost may be too much. Our planet clean water supply is dwelling fast due to the populace and the lack of seasonal rain in some areas due to global warming is not making thing better At our present rate this is undeniably unsustainable, worldwide climate change is glaring us square in the face because of this abuse. For these perilous reasons, the time is at present to start action. The creating of sustainable neighborhoods through green action t echniques, and a major decreasing of fossil fuel consumption is an elementary key for human endurance. The trepidations of human to continued fossil fuel usage; first we must identify what they are how they came to be, as well as where the consequence of their continue use. History tells us that before man stood on two feet millions of years ago, the dinosaurs walked the Earth, at that time, the planet had countless numbers of swamp areas, and abundant plants, and the ocean was full with algae. This time is known as the Carboniferous Period (Dale 2011). Dated between three hundred sixty (360) and two hundred eighty six (286) million years ago as its name suggests, the growth of carbon in living matter was a characteristic dominant of the period. When the vegetation perished, they derived to the lowest part of the swamps as well as oceans, where layers of peat were shaped (a tan, typically soggy material comprising at any rate in part of decayed vegetable matter). Those deposits were then held by sand in addition to more peat, and over time, it came to be progressively compacted. The e nsuing phase might be the mass of material crushing out the part of the water that occurred between the layers, or remains of plant life that had previously existed. Over a period of years, this substance converted into what is identified as oil, coal, commonly stated to as fossil fuels (Dale 2011). These are the main energy sources for the earth. They contribute more than ninety (90) percent of the energy exhausted worldwide (Botkin Keller 2011). The concern with this is they are finite. Coal, oil, and common gas are not renewable resources. These natural resources are being depleted at a disturbing rate for the most part, since the Industrial Revolution (McConnell Abel 2008). The abuse of these energy sources has placed the Earth’s populace ay a stage where we need to think of alternate energy sources. The using of the resources has made several known environmental problems for example air and water contamination, acid rain, and undoubtedly global warming. Coal oil and natural gas account for ninety (90) percent of the energy used by the global populace, they also accounted for seventy five (75) percent of the carbon discharges for the planet as well (Botkin and Keller 2011). The over-all adverse impacts from the abuse of fossil fuels since the Industrial Revolution and the beginning of climate change. Some scientist has stated that climate change is a natural global cycle. However, the ten hottest years on record happened in the 20th century. In 2005, a new record was set for worldwide temperature—the hottest year ever since the late 1800s. Since the mid-1970s, the normal worldwide temperature has climbed 0.2 °C for every decade. Global warming is occurring in particularly rapid at high latitudes predominantly in the Northern Hemisphere. Mainly because of the continued gr owths in anthropogenic greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the apparent warming is recognized to be the result of an â€Å"improved greenhouse impact† (Wright Boorse, 2011). Coal has the most harmful effect and long-term impacts on the earth eco system and human health. The extracting of coal leads to destruction the area, as well as nearby bodies of water. When coal has been extracted, rail and trucks typically transport it. These delivery systems have an effect on the atmosphere as well as the roadways. Nonetheless, as naturally worsening as it is to remove and transport coal, burning it for energy is maybe the most damaging. Coal is essentially carbon, and when burned it releases additional carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere (Dale 2011). Coal burning power plants releases other pollutants into the atmosphere besides C02, mercury as well as arsenic; both are harmful to human as well as the environment. Nearly all the energy we human use contains a number of environme ntal concerns; yet, fossil fuels will leave a much larger carbon footprint (Dale 2011). Essentially, there are major drawbacks when talking about the recovery and utilization of fossil fuels. While a few benefits may include economic success for a few countries and companies, the most important is what best for man and the planet. It is apparent for government to fund research of other means of energy to transfer from fossil fuel dependence to renewable energy sources. Global warming, diminishing of natural resources, as well as long term health risk of every human warrants an immediate re-action to curb the use of fossil fuels. The crucial steps we must take is planning a diverse agenda of energy sources with a mix of both fossil fuel as well alternative that someday replace fossil fuel. Scientific has established that there is a limited amount of natural resources left (McConnell Abel 2008). The human population exploded rapidly, so has the demand for more the natural resources. It took decades and thousands of pounds and gallon of use to realize that these resources could not sustain the demand and the damage these sources will do to the environment, and when these resources are depleted, there are gone for good. Sadly, what is an incomprehensible is these resources are being mine without any constraint or thought of the future consequences, sustainable choices for the future must be tended to or cataclysmic occasions will plague the planet (Dale 2011). Achieving sustainability will call for the more widespread exploitation of a variety of alternative energy sources and a lesser amount of dependence on fossil fuels. Renewable energy like wind, solar naturally recharged unlike fossil fuels, which are in limited supply. Renewable energy can provide the energy we need and perhaps reverse the situation we now face. Renewable energy has both minor scale and larger scale applications it brings about considerably lower emissions of greenhouse gases, less air poll ution, and lesser waste outputs in general. Although renewable energy sources it are in it earliest stages compared fossil fuel. In 2009, the United States acquired 8.2% of its total energy and 10.5% of its electricity from renewable sources (Dale 2011). Conferring to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), as well as the Ontario Round Table on Environment and Economy, there are six managing standards for sustainable advancement (EPA 2012): †¢ Anticipation and avoidance of possible environmental degradation. Avoid pollution before it occurs. As we know, environmental degradation can occur naturally or thru neglect of human activities in some area there are major oil spills that results in loss of an local environment deforestation has destroyed countless of natural habitat †¢ Complete cost accounting. Natural resources air, land, water, soils, wilderness, forests and wildlife are the fundamental base of the entire economic activity. Nature is like a retail store that is perfectly willing to sell us the resources at cost price. However, what is the cost price? Like any business deal, the seller must not be worse off than before. For the withdrawal of any resource, the price must be at least that which reimburses nature for any damage done to her while consuming it. Using this principle in the entire areas will give economic incentives for clever resource usage. †¢ Informed choice-making creating (environment-economy coordination). Sustainable development needs the union of environmental and economic contemplations in decision-making. Documentation must be provided for the short and long-term outcomes of these decisions. In addition, the decision must be dependent upon sound data. In addition, the individuals who settle on economic must be liable for the environmental outcomes of those decisions. †¢ Living off the investment (doing superior with less). This statute treats the constrained natural resources as a feature of capital fortune. Such natural assets must be displaced as it is drained, or else be reused or recycled. If not, individuals will bankrupt themselves similarly as though they had used the greater part of their fiscal resources. †¢ Quality over amount. Making a sustainable society involve in transforming their way of life, state of mind, outlooks, behaviors and standards. An increasing awareness on excellence of economic development will bring about in smarter production and consumption patterns †¢ Admiration for nature and the privileges of forthcoming generations. The economy depends on not only on the continuous stream of resources as well as on the insurance and upgrade of ecosystems and habitats. The choice-making process must distinguish not only todays necessities, but also the necessities of future groups by assuring that a extended and adequate prospect is used in the assessment procedure (EPA, 2012). Achieving support for these rules will not be easy, and will undoubtedly be met with a number of oppositions. Nevertheless, to lessen the dependence on oil, coal and natural gas, it will require a global effort. Lessening the adverse effects of nonrenewable energies will pressure all nations to adopt groundbreaking energy procedures and penalties for exploitation. Having extreme consequences for not abiding by prompted policies will be the best way to pressure the worldwide population to join as one to preserve this planet. One cannot dialog about fossil fuels without speaking on the extreme environmental effects they have had on our planet. Global warming is a reality whether politician are will to admit or not and major piece of this discussion. Consistent with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA), the principal decade of the new millennium was the warmest ever documented. Climate change has turned into a constant concern and is not getting it the consideration as it should. Normally spring is consider a time for tornadoes but recently fall has taken that spot 12 tornadoes struck Nebraska and Iowa Oct. 4-5, 2013, causing millions of dollars of damage. These October storms underscore the fact that spring is not the only season for dangerous tornadoes. Global warming is attribute to more devastating flash floods ,Tropical Cyclones, Tornado, Tsunami, Wildfire, Drought, Hailstorm, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Epidemic, Notwithstanding to global warming, environmental disasters have gone to the lead of planetary problems for society to manage with (Dale 2011). On March 24, 1989, the oil tanker of Exxon Valdez bumped into the Bligh Reef, leaking about 11 million gallons (10.8) of oil rights within the sound (Oceana 2012). The leak hit in excess of one thousand three hundred (1300) miles over the coastline, it caused the death of hundreds of thousands of marine life, and cost an excess of three hundred million (300,000,000) dollars of financial damage to more than thirty two thousand (32,000) individuals whose lives depend on fishing (Oceana 2012). This data is significantly dreadful, however, compared with the amounts of oil and prices, a drop in the bucket in contrast with the most devastating oil slick on record for America (Walsh 2011). This might be clearly the BP greatest accident of April 20, 2010 the Deepwater Horizon oilrig explosion located in the Gulf of Mexico (BP 2013).Spurring millions of gallon of oil into the Gulf it was estimate that 100, 000 of gallon was being release daily There should not be any argument about situation the earth and its ecosystems is in at this moment because of man and their development in population and manufacturing/technology. In the event that population growth is not maintain, and man continue to deplete resources at an unsustainable rate, abnormal weather pattern will increase storms will intensify global warming will proceed to a point of no return. Man goal should be leaving less of a carbon footprint so we can leave this world a little better off than it was when we can. The only way is to through the decline of fossil fuel consumption and an aggressive approach on renewable energy; this should be the primary objective of the occupants of this world .To ensure this, society enjoy the beauty of natural all that dwell within it and give a promise of future generation that same opportunity. We must live a lifestyle that does not destroy the place we call home. The question remain are we will to make a sacrifice now for the ens uring of the future for our kids the decision lies with us. Addressing climate change is not an issue to which there is a scientific answer. Ethical issues are not beyond the scope of reason, and I attempt to examine different ideologies and tactics with a opinion to reaching a reasoned opinion about which principles and approach is vital towards finding common ground, to a sustainable future. References BP (2012, December 20). Deepwater Horizon Accident and Response. Retrieved from Botkin, D.B., Keller, E.A.(2011).Environmental Science: Earth is a Living Planet.(8thed).Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Dale, L. (2011). Environmental Policy. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. McConnell, R. L., Abel, D. C., (2008). Environmental issues: An introduction to sustainability (3rd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans. (2012, March 20).Oceana. Retrieved from United States, EPA, Smart Growth. (2013, February 4). Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development. Retrieved Walsh, B. (2011, April 21). The BP Oil Spill: Forgetting the Lessons of Drilling in the BP (2012, December 20). Deepwater Horizon Accident and Response. Retrieved from Botkin, D.B., Keller, E.A.(2011).Environmental Science: Earth is a Living Planet.(8thed).Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Dale, L. (2011). Environmental Policy. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education. McConnell, R. L., Abel, D. C., (2008). Environmental issues: An introduction to sustainability (3rd ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Oceana | Protecting the Worlds Oceans. (2012, March 20).Oceana. Retrieved from United States, EPA, Smart Growth. (2013, February 4). Creating Equitable, Healthy, and Sustainable Communities: Strategies for Advancing Smart Growth, Environmental Justice, and Equitable Development. Retrieved Walsh, B. (2011, April 21). The BP Oil Spill: Forgetting the Lessons of Drilling in the Retrieved from Wright, Richard T. Boorse, Dorothy F.(2011) Environmental science : Toward a sustainable future. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. Retrieved from Wright, Richard T. Boorse, Dorothy F.(2011) Environmental science : Toward a sustainable future. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

An Argument Against Racial Profiling Essay -- Black Lives Matter Essays

"I don't want to talk about whether or not racial profiling is legal. Racial profiling is not an effective law enforcement tool." -- Eric Holder, 82nd Attorney General of the United States Before any argument can be made against racial profiling, it is important to understand what racial profiling is. The American Civil Liberties Union, defines racial profiling as "the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on the individual's race, ethnicity, religion or national origin"(Racial Profiling: Definition). Using this definition we can determine that racial profiling excludes any evidence of wrong-doing and relies solely on the characteristics listed above. We can also see that racial profiling is different from criminal profiling, which uses evidence of wrong-doing and facts which can include information obtained from outside sources and evidence gathered from investigation. Based on these definitions, I will show that racial profiling is unfair and ineffective because it relies on stereotyping, encourages discrimination, and in many cases can be circumvented. There have been many studies and case reports involving racial profiling, particularly racial profiling issues involving traffic stop and seizures. In a study done of reports on the stop-and-searches done on Interstate 95 in Maryland, it was found that 28.4 percent of black drivers and passengers and 28.8 percent of white drivers and passengers stopped were found with illegal contraband. (U.S. Department of Justice) The disparity between the two statistics is a mere .4 percent and shows that race is not an issue. Further reading into the seventy one page report written by the U.S. Department of Justice sho... Definition." The American Civil Liberties Union. Web. 18 June 2015. Derbyshire, John. "In Defence of Racial Profiling." 2001. Web. 18 June 2015. Nomani, Asra Q. "Is racial or religious profiling ever justified?" 18 April 2011. Web. 18 June 2015. Schneier, Bruce. "Will Profiling Make a Difference?" 2010. New York Times: Room for Debate. Web. 18 June 2015. U.S. Department of Justice. "A Resource Guide on Racial Profiling Data Collection Systems." December 2000. U.S. Department of Justice. Web. 18 June 2015.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Tupac Essay -- Tupac Shakur 2pac Biography Biographies

Tupac When thinking of the Hip-Hop industry, one of the first names that comes to mind is Tupac Shakur. Shakur was born in the Bronx on June 16, 1971. He was reared by his mother Afeni Shakur who was an active member of the Black Panthers. Tupac's family later relocated to Oakland, California, where he spent much of his time on the street. As a kid, he was always getting himself into trouble, and he was very lonely. He started writing songs to keep himself out of trouble. An article from VIBE magazine "Troubled Times for Tupac Shakur" quotes Tupac. "'I was lonely, I didn't have no big brothers, no big cousins until later. I could remember writing songs.... I remember writing poetry.' " 1 Tupac was talented in the areas of poetry, songwriting and acting from the beginning. He started acting at a young age, and he joined the rap group Digital Underground, performing as a dancer in 1990. In an interview with MTV, John Singelton, the writer-director of Boyz in the Hood and Poetic Just ice, says that Tupac was a natural born actor; he knew how every role should be played.2 Tupac began his public acting career before his music career. After the Digital Underground debut, Tupac signed to Interscope Records and released his first solo album, 1991's 2pacalypse Now. The album quickly went gold thanks to the hit singles "Trapped" and "Brenda's Got a Baby," as well as a high-profile appearance in the hit movie Juice. Tupac's 1993 follow-up album Strictly 4 My N.I.G.G.A.Z., reached number four and went platinum, spawning the top 10 hits "I Get Around" and "Keep Ya Head Up." Then in 1995, Tupac put out Me Against the World, which debuted at number one, went platinum and established Shakur as one of the most popular and successf... knew Tupac Shakur as a troubled but successful performer. Sex, drugs, and violence encircled his life; however, he overcame and emerged as one of the most successful rappers of all time. Tupac was a man who loved his mother and who held great respect for women, whom he thanked and celebrated in his music. Many adults rejected his music due to the profane language and his gangster lifestyle; however, his fans will always appreciate the awesome quality of his music. His death brought renewed attention to Inner-City violence as well as corruption in the rap music industry and East Coast /West Coast feuds. It also put a dent in the music world and left a void in the hearts of his family and friends. As time goes on, Tupac's music will continue to thrive through radio and album sales, but his legacy will live on through the hearts of everyone whom he touched.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Guys and Dolls

The Fox Theater presented Guys and Dolls that evening. The musical was choreographed by Adrienne Waiters and Molly Bell. There is about twenty save en performers in the whole production and out of all of them the four main characters are Sara ah Brown, Miss Adelaide,Sky Masters, and Nathan Detroit.The musical takes place in New York City, Nathan Detroit runs an illegal crap g name and e is in search of a location for the latest game. Luckily he found one location t o rent which is the Biltmore garage. Lat was offered to rent for 1 ,OOH but Nathan is broke. Therefore e, he proposes a bet to Sky Masters. The bet was for Sky to take Sarah Brown the lady that led t he Espousal Mission to Havana for dinner. Sky agreed and he gives a deal to Sarah; the dead I was for him to bring one dozen sinners to her mission only if she went with him to Havana.Miss Adelaide is Antenna's fiancee she has been wanting to marry him for about fourteen years Sky and Sarah are in love back from there dinner i n Havana and all sinners attended the mission *Nathan lost the bet but yet he hosted his last crap game. Lat was his last because he finally married Miss-Adelaide and promised her he wouldn't do it again-Sky and Sarah got married the same day as the other couple. Throughout the musical jazz and ballroom were the types of dances the eye performed.The scene in the concert that certainly caught my attention was in Act I scene 8, Havana,Cuba A Dive-when Sky and Sarah were dancing the coach,it caught my attention cause I learned that type of dance throughout my childhood which can't r erne beer the last time ever danced the coach . That's why I really enjoyed seeing and remember erring those steps because that was my favorite dance growing up. The dance scene that impressed me the most was in Act II scene 7, Broadway The Happy Ending Company.I was very impressed with this scene because at the end all the gamblers attended the Save soul Mission together. I like how they all realize d that gambling isn't really taking them nap. Where in life especially if they are losing. They really where in need or a much needed lesson about gambling. Since at the end gambling really did don't do good for them beside the one that always won and it just kept them away from their 10 Veda ones. Plus I was impressed on the ending part because they all danced jazz together in the Save jealous mission. Really liked that they all danced different moves and it was a great performance CE with most of the production on stage because they all seemed as if they were happy even if the eye have to stop playing the addictive gambling game. Guys and Dolls was a spectacular performance because I really enjoyed the Pl t of the story and it never really lost my attention since I could relate to the coo pale Nathan Detroit and Miss Adelaide problems because I know people that dealt with those type of problems before.The production was very well organized and everything went smoothly throughout all the musical's scenes-I would love to go back to the Fox Theater with my family so they could enjoy what I have seen with my classmates.